Thursday, June 16, 2011

My bucket list :)

1) Travel some place away from home, all by myself.

2) Buy myself a ring. A pretty diamond ring.

3) Learn my native language well. I suck at it. I do.

4) Build myself a garden, even if its a small one.

5) Send my parents on a world tour.

6) Cook lester some awesome chicken biryani. 

7) Learn to play my dads guitar.

8) Fall hopelessly in love.

9) Tour the whole of India with my two besties. Just the three of us.

10) Kiss under the moon lit sky , on a beach.

11) Vegas. Must happen. Soon.

12) Survive 5 vodka shots, without dropping things or myself or my date.

13) Slap someone in the face. Yeah Im kinda done with this. I feel happy.

14) Spending time at a children's home. They make my day, you know. =)

15) Learn to belly dance.

16) Spend an entire day on a house boat.

17) Live in Spain.

18) Learn photography.

I'm sure I'd have alot more to add to this list, but for now, at 22, this maybe it.

love =)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I say a little prayer for you =)

Some days are just not mine.

I have a messed up head and an even more messed up heart. And, Ive got no one but myself to blame. I cannot be more sorry than I already am. I just feel  so out of words. But Ive heard that if your hurt, happy , sorry or in love and you've got something to say, you should  say it. Out loud. Oderwise the moment just passes by you.


Dear God.....
Please keep my bandar happy and protected. Always.
Tell him when I said he makes me smile , I wasnt lying.
And I wouldn't stay wake all night for any one else .

Thank you .

Friday, January 28, 2011

I have such a messed up head today.

This time around its not even my fault. I have friends who love to annoy me. NO Im serious.
Actually theres a correction..I have this One friend who loves to annoy me more than anyone ever will. Its ok if you love to annoy me or whatever but then he'll come up with the cutest most sweetest comebacks. Its like just when I feel the need go and shoot him, he'll make me smile. Sigh. 

Stuppidd gadhaa!! You say the sweetest things you know , especially when your all high and buzzing...and when your not annoying me , your pretty awesome :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sometimes I find it difficult to figure myself out.
I mean seriously!
How and Why would I give you so many chances.
Its my fault.
Totally mine.
And I hate 'me' for this.

But I guess I'm done with you and all your crap.
Kindly get the hell out of my life!

P.S- Fb can really screw with your head. So apart from everything else, you also get blocked on fb. No more annoying more more you.

“Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words.”
- Calvin & Hobbes

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dear Diary - 2

There have been times when I've had no idea why I like certain things. A few years earlier I was in love with everything and anything that was happy and bright. I was the kinda girl who was in love with the world.

Someone made me feel awesome today. Almost reminded me of the girl I was a few years earlier. I'm so damn glad I've met certain people in life.  Im so damn glad I met you. I know I've annoyed you, been unreasonable and painfully shy about the simplest things.

I just want to thank you for all the love.

P.S-Also, I kinda inspired my friend to write his own blog in someway. I mean I've never really inspired anyone to do anything before today. I feel happy.

I feel 'yaayy'.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

I know you think I dont like you too much.

Well your absolutely spot on!

I dont.

And I'm glad we're clear about this.